Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Utah Deputation in various poses

Toni Marie Sutliff, Blog Editor, All Saints SLC

The Rev. Susan Wiltsey Smith, St. Jude's, Cedar City

The Rev. Steve Keplinger, St. David's Page

Russ Babcock, St. Paul's SLC

The Rev. Canon Pablo Ramos, San Estaban, West Valley City

The Rev. Mike Mayor, All Saints, SLC

The Rev. Canon Mary June Nestler, Diocesan Staff

The Rev. Lee Shaw, St. Stephen's, West Valley City

Jay Stretch, Good Shepherd, Ogden

The Deputation: Mary June Nestler, Steve Keplinger, Linda Garner (ECW), Mike Mayor, Pablo Ramos, Jay Stretch, Bishop Carolyn, Toni Marie Sutliff, Russ Babcock, Kathy Horvat, Isabel Gonzalez (ECW and UTO), Susan Wiltsey Smith, Barbara Losse, Steve Hutchinson, Laura Orcutt (ECW), Dave Bailey
Not pictured: Lee Shaw

Barbara Losse, St. Mark's SLC; Steve Hutchinson, St. James', Midvale; Mary June Nestler, Diocesan Staff, Russ Babcock, St. Paul's SLC; Jay Stretch, Good Shepherd, Ogden; Dave Bailey, Diocesan Staff; Bishop Carolyn; legs by Mike Mayor, back by Kathy Horvat

Russ Babcock, St. Paul's SLC; Mary June Nestler, Diocesan Staff; back by Barbara Losse

Kathy Horvat, St. Mark's SLC; Mary June Nestler, Diocesan Staff; Barbara Losse, St. Mark's SLC

The Rev. Lee Shaw, St. Stephen's, West Valley City

The Rev. Canon Dave Bailey, Diocesan Staff

The Rev. Lee Shaw, St. Stephen's, West Valley City

Mike Mayor, Russ Babcock, Mary June Nestler, Dave Bailey, Barbara Losse, Steve Keplinger

Barbara Losse, St. Mark's SLC, taking a picture of Toni Marie Sutliff

Pablo Ramos, Susan Wiltsey Smith, Jay Stretch

Mike Mayor, Russ Babcock, Mary June Nestler, Dave Bailey, Steve Keplinger

Mike Mayor, Lee Shaw, Mary June Nestler, arms by Dave Bailey

Barbara Losse, Toni Marie Sutliff, and Mike Mayor receive a press briefing from the Rev. Dan Webster, formerly of the Diocese of Utah

Our deputation tries to convene to discuss items. Sometimes we meet after a legislative session for a few minutes, gathered around in the alternates' gallery. Other times we gather in the suite designated for our use. Last night we shared pizza and took a class photo (missing Lee Shaw, who was at a committee hearing). Please enjoy these pictures!

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